How To Build Relationships In Life and Business

Brandon Steiner expands on his experience shared in part 1 on how to build relationships in life and business.

The successful memorabilia mogul and collectibles expert continues where we left off sharing some amazing insights into business and sport.

Here is the video…

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Steiner shares his thoughts on the underdog mindset and the hostile mindset.

These form 2 parts of his character which he believes have helped him pursue success in life and business from a very young age.

He also talks to the idea that everything you do is a ‘big deal’.

Things which seem insignificant in the moment, can come back to have a greater impact on you or for you later in life.

He also offers some simple but effective ideas on how to not only build relationships but to bring value to others.

0:00 Introduction
0:44 Accepting Non-Acceptance
1:30 Don’t Stop At SUCCESS
3:05 Stop Selling Start Serving
5:05 Add Value To Build Relationships
7:00 The Underdog Mindset
9:10 The Game Within The Game
12:30 Everything is a BIG DEAL

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NOTE:- All videos are Copyright Craig Rowe (OzSwoosh) © 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: Basketball, like many sports, may result in serious injury or even death. Drills and ideas contained in OzSwoosh videos are demonstrations only. Coaches and players re-enacting the drills, or following advice, do so at their own risk. Also, children should always play under the supervision of a responsible adult.

#basketball #conversations #motivation

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