Primary School Clinics
Coach Rowe has decades experience coaching primary aged Children within their school's curriculum. In the 90's he was employed as a Basketball Queensland Regional Development Officer spending most days conducting clinics for students grade 3 through 7 ( 9am to 3pm) at various primary schools across South East Queensland. In Co-ordination with your school's P.E. Teacher we can conduct sessions for students in a fun format. These fun challenging clinics are tailored to the age group and teach motor and skill acquisition through play based learning. Book us for a one off clinic or for regular visits on a weekly basis during term.
Costs start from as little as $2 per student per session (minimum of 2 classes).
School H & P.E. Classes
We know teachers have a tough job having to develop a broad but sound knowledge of the sporting curriculum. School's can hire Coach Rowe to come in and conduct the practical component of their basketball H & P.E. Curriculum. The approach is two fold, one is we can cover the fundamentals during practical sessions and two we can help your teacher obtain their Club Coach (Level 1) accreditation. Coach Rowe has been a Basketball Queensland endorsed coaching educator and has conducted many G.A.Q.A.P. sessions for teachers from 2014 to 2018.
Class size and numbers determine costs.
After School Academies
Academies are term based skills programs. The Rookie's Program is for beginners. Ozswoosh Academy is for those more skilled. Sessions may be extra-curricular, at your venue and exclusive to your students at reduced rates where court hire is not charged back to Ozswoosh. Schools may also choose an in school hours option by negotiation. The program is best run in line with a school year, with participants starting with the Rookie's program terms 1 and 2, progressing to academy content in terms 3 and 4.
Class size is 12 outside school hours. In school hours normal class sizes with assistance of supervising teacher. Costs are negotiable.
Other important information.
Coach Craig Rowe is a NCAS Level 2 Skill Development Coach, with First Aid Certification and a working with children safety check (Blue Card). An insurance Certificate of Currency can also be provided.