In this video OzSwoosh Academy Athletes demonstrate another basketball agility drill. We consider this a “Super drill” to help athletes work on getting low on the drive and basic crossover moves.
Using the lines of the half court athletes complete dribble to each and return to the baseline while keeping their dribble alive.
This is a basic dribbling drill warm up Coach Craig Rowe shares with coaches who undertake their club coach accreditation under his guidance.
Suicide Dribbling Basketball Agility Drill
Basketball Skill Acquisition
- Agility
- Speed,
- Dexterity
- Eyes off ball
- Crossovers
- Protection Arm
- Change of Pace
- Change of Direction
Basketball Drill Purpose
To help lay the foundational basketball footwork and dribbling techniques required in basketball when driving past an opponent. To build a foundation for good footwork pace, acceleration and ball control, as well as agility.
Basketball Equipment Needed
Full Basketball Court and 1 basketball per athlete. Clearly marked Free Throw Lines, Half way line and baseline.
Have athletes do a behind the back or through the legs dribble after they touch a line.
How To Do The Skill
(Watch video)
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NOTE:- All videos are Copyright Craig Rowe (OzSwoosh) © 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: Basketball, like many sports, may result in serious injury or even death. Drills and ideas contained in OzSwoosh videos are demonstrations only. Coaches and players re-enacting the drills, or following advice, do so at their own risk. Also, children should always play under the supervision of a responsible adult.
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