Importance of Teamwork In Basketball – Eli

In this Inside OzSwoosh interview senior academy athlete Eli shares his love of the game especially the importance of teamwork in basketball.


Eli has been with OzSwoosh Basketball Academy for 3 years now, starting as a Rookie and moving into the Senior Academy.

He has participated in tournament teams and has a goal to make his High School’s first V in 2021.

So year on year Eli has improved and moved up his teams as he works towards his goal of making his school’s top team.

As a point guard Eli also shares his perspective on training and working out what his teammates do well and where their weaknesses are.

He also emphasises the importance of teamwork and his role in helping in build a good team culture.

He has a focus on helping all his basketball team improve.

Inside OzSwoosh interviews give our athletes some media training, leadership and communication skills not available in many other basketball training programs.

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NOTE:- All videos are Copyright Craig Rowe (OzSwoosh) © 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: Basketball, like many sports, may result in serious injury or even death. Drills and ideas contained in OzSwoosh videos are demonstrations only. Coaches and players re-enacting the drills, or following advice, do so at their own risk. Also, children should always play under the supervision of a responsible adult.

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